Not ALL meat is created EQUAL

Regenerative meat is NOT the same as GRAIN-FED meat or INDUSTRIAL /COMMERCIALLY raised meat. Eliminating Meat From Our Diet Isn’t The Solution To Climate Change

Industrialized farming is having a devastating effect on our planet by degrading the land, impacting the welfare of our animals, and impacting the quality of food we have access to. It is unsustainable and they just DO NOT have any transparency or truthfully care about us, the environment or the animal!!

So we (humans) are officially the sickest on the planet, 1 out of 3 people have a chronic disease. Thanks to the food pyramid and this monoculture (growing one food group) type of commercial farming, we are left with vegetables that have no nutritional value due to soil depletion and pesticide use like Glyphosate. First off, let’s remember that we need animal POOP to nourish the soil, unlike artificial fertilizer which kills our fish and goes into our water systems. our topsoil is going to be gone in 60 years!

According to physician Mark Hyman in his book Food Fix, “a third to 40 percent of all the carbon in the atmosphere today that’s causing climate volatility is from the loss of soil.”

Monocrop agriculture destroys the soil and kills the living matter in it, preventing it from adequately storing carbon. Soil is the biggest problem and the most promising solution when it comes to climate change.How about thinking of how damaging big pharmaceutical companies are to the environment? They don’t matter right? We can go down a water rabbit hole here.

The alarming state of grain-fed meat we face today all started when cows stopped grazing in the pastures where they would eat anything green found in the wild (i.e. what they would eat naturally). As soon as humans altered their diet we started to notice unhealthy practices take place. Comparing grass-fed vs grain-fed is like looking at two completely different foods! Seriously, they are NOT even in the same realm.


In short, grain-fed meat is full of antibiotics, chemicals, and hormones that are linked to obesity, rancid fats, and properties that cause easily avoidable inflammation. Animals are just like us, if we eat poorly we aren't going to be healthy. No-brainer, right? Most "grain-fed cows" are being fed GMO corn, soy, chicken feathers, trash, leftover rancid meat, crackers, and CANDY. Yes, I said "candy" and I am not kidding. At. All.

Recent news just proved that cows have been fed CANDY, Skittles to be exact for years now. The raising corn prices has led farmers to find "food" to make cows fat, think about that for a second. The thriving, mass food system should be failing, but instead it is making its next chess move based on simple economics and the need to keep production cost down and revenue up - no matter the implications.

"Cows are being fed chocolate bars, gummy worms, ice cream sprinkles, marshmallows, bits of hard candy and even powdered hot chocolate mix, according to cattle farmers, bovine nutritionists and commodities dealers."

Another misconception I hear from people all too often is the notion that Grass-Fed Meat is the same as "organic" meat and I am here to tell you that it is not. Organic meat can come from grain-fed cows, as long as the grain is organic. Furthermore, some beef is both organic and grass-fed. But they’re not the same thing, confusing I know (that's why I am here to help!).

Not only does grass-fed meat contain more nutrients, but it is also better for the environment, the animals, the farmers and our entire economy.

Why is it better?

  • Grass-fed beef has higher levels of Vitamins A and E and the body’s most powerful antioxidant, glutathione, as well as vitamin K2.

  • Grass-fed meat has better quality fats. It contains less omega-6 fatty acids, associated with inflammation, and more omega-3 fatty acids, which combat inflammation along with providing an overwhelming amount of additional health benefits.

  • Grass-fed beef has significantly higher amounts of conjugated linoleic acid (CLA). CLA has been proven in studies to protect against cancer and heart disease, help build muscle and promote fat loss. It is also associated with healthy cholesterol, glucose and insulin metabolism.

  • Grass-fed meat doesn't contain hormones or antibiotics and isn't fed food that has a ton of chemicals sprayed on it.

  • The food we eat is information to our bodies. Yes, it provides the building blocks for our body and brains to function, but it talks to our genes, our microbiome and impacts disease and health. Good quality whole food is an essential part of recovering our health as a nation.

Cows can’t make nutritious meat if they aren’t fed the proper ingredients. There is no magical button to transform skittles into longevity-driven essentials like vitamins, minerals, and healthy fats. Feeding cattle junk food turns them into junk food. These animals are meant to eat grass – not grains, stale bread, cereal, chicken feathers, or city garbage (I couldn’t make this up if I tried).

LISTEN AND READ on to learn more about the incredible benefits of grass-fed meat. To learn more about this topic, check out the links below.





Choose grass-fed regenerative when eating meat and try out one of my all-time fave recipes like Carnitas with Pork Butt/Shoulder

The term “regenerative organic agriculture” was coined by Robert Rodale in the 1980s, though its techniques date back thousands of years. Essentially, it refers to farming practices that go a step beyond sustainability; rather than simply sustaining the soil (and, on a larger scale, the climate) as it exists today, regenerative farming actually improves the soil’s health, leaving it more nutrient-rich than it was before.

Regenerative agriculture practices include:

• Reduced or No-till Farming Practices
• Cover Cropping
• Composting
• Increasing Crop Diversity
• Organic Annual Cropping
• Managed Grazing
• Silvopasture & Agroforestry

How to support regenerative agriculture:

When you buy beef, buffalo, or lamb, look for 100% grass-fed from producers use rotational grazing; for poultry and pork, look for Pastured or Pasture-Raised and organic; with dairy purchases, look for organic and/or 100% pasture-based or 100% grassfed. With all other food choices, opt for organic, which also uses regenerative techniques that focus on building soil health.


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*All opinions are my own. I am an ambassador for companies I truly believe in and use in my own daily routines and recommend to my nutrition clients.