Posts tagged pasture raised
Herb Spiced Lamb Pitas

This recipe screams summer and is perfect for a BBQ because it's EASY and all your amigos will want the recipe, I promise. At first I was confused why this recipe didn't tell you how to cook the lamb, then I figure out that you put the raw lamb mixture in the pita and what happens is the lamb cooks inside the pita, the fat will melt into the bread, creating a crunchy, vibrantly flavored meat sando that’s unlike anything you’ve ever had before, I stuffed these ones with a herbed yogurt sauce, thinly sliced red onions and heirloom tomatoes.

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Not ALL meat is created EQUAL

The alarming state of grain-fed meat we face today all started when cows stopped grazing in the pastures where they would eat anything green found in the wild (i.e. what they would eat naturally). As soon as humans altered their diet we started to notice unhealthy practices take place. Comparing grass-fed vs grain-fed is like looking at two completely different foods! Seriously, they are NOT even in the same realm.

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